Wednesday WIP: Up & Away
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Christmas is a great time of year. Far-flung family members come together once a year and we're spoilt with hugs, gifts and well wishes. We spend far too much time making models, building toys, and playing children's games, and we watch bad TV.
There's turkey, gravy and roast potatoes. We eat just enough - and then some. We have trifle.
And while Grandad had a nap on the couch, I got out my much-neglected Up & Away cross-stitch.
I got a few extra rows done, but not without promising The Little Cousin that I'd make him one too, one day. I also had to explain (after many questions) how many hours there were in a day, how many hours of those one person can reasonably spend stitching, and how many seconds each stitch takes. After a lot of maths, he'd decided that he'd be too old by the time I'd get around to making it.