I'm just popping in very quickly to say hello! and to tell you that I have a perfectly legitimate excuse for being away for so long: we're moving house.
When I returned from South Africa I found a very large letter with a nasty note inside - our flat, which we rent, was being repossessed because our annoying landlord has failed to pay his mortgage for the last year or so. As such, we had to very quickly find a new home, get some boxes, and get packing. I thought I'd take two minutes to sit down and draw you a pretty picture, and tell that I promise to be back next week blogging merrily away about our new flat (which comes with a teeny-tiny GARDEN, hurrah!), my new oven (the most important thing about any new home, I think) and baking things in general, of course.
In the meantime I'll be sure to take lots of photos for you all, and I'll be back in no time. Promise.