I've been screenprinting at the Ideas Store. It's so much fun. I've attended the first of a ten-week course focusing on screenprinting techniques and tricks for fabric prints. Fabulous. I had imagined that I would photograph the entire process, but wouldn'tyaknowit, I ended up covered in paint. My camera was stowed away safely in my bag. And so, all you have to go by...
There's nothing nicer than having a few hours all to yourself on a sunny weekend morning. You can do whatever you please. You can switch off your computer. You can play your favourite music as loudly as you like. You can bake a little date and apricot loaf to be enjoyed later with a cup of piping hot tea. You can even start...
My Spring Sampler is coming along slowly, but it is oh so cheery! Just a few more lazy daisies, a final smattering of colonial knots and cross-stitches, and it'll be done. I designed it to fit in an 8" embroidery hoop - but of course, all of the 8" hoops are now out of stock at my LYS, and I can't find the specific...
Spring has sprung, as it does. It just suddenly happens upon you. Although, it helps to have a brass band help announce the moment. As ever, the East End WI are ready to welcome in the excellent weather with cakes and treats. I made my first-ever meringues. I don't like meringues. Not one bit. But, I do like they way they look. They're amazing...
Miss Maggie is about to get a new friend. I've traced and cut an entirely new set of cobblestone Maggie pieces, and they're piled up under the window, waiting to be stitched on a quiet night. We don't have very many Quiet Nights these days, but perhaps one will come along soon. The original Miss Maggie's satchel is very nearly complete. I need to...
It's very nearly - almost - spring. The skies are a bit gloomy, but every now and then a beam of sunlight breaks through and you have to resist the urge to stretch out and nap in the yellow warmth. Here's something I've been working on. It needs a good iron, but it's still very much a work in progress, so let's pretend...
Spring has sprung! The weather is mild and comfortable, there is sun shining through the windows, and it seems that the rain has stopped - for now. Even Miss Maggie Rabbit is enjoying the spring sunshine, and has been outfitted in a new dress. The elasticated thread finally arrived by post, and I was able to gather her neckline and sleeves. I knitted...
The blogger world is abuzz with Google's announcement that they are retiring their Blog Reader. You won't be able to add blogs to your read feed anymore, boo. But that's okay. We're all hitching our skirts and jumping the fence to join the Bloglovin' community. Now you can follow my blog with Bloglovin - and you won't miss out on any of my posts, images...
Miss Maggie Rabbit is skipping along. We're nearly there, in fact. She has whiskers and rosy cheeks. She has a small fluffy tail (not on the original pattern, but I thought that really, a bunny ought to have a tail). I know, this is an almost indecent photograph close-up of Miss Maggie Rabbit's behind. But how else do you show tail details. *Blush....
Phew, I've just returned from a work trip to Istanbul. There was a whole lot of this: Quite a lot of this: And even more of this: After two full days of choosing, investigating, learning, factory-exploring, laboratory-inspecting, fabric love... we managed to fit in a few hours of spontaneous sightseeing. Istanbul is a magical city. More old than new, the ancient structures tower...