Hello, Finnlay
Tuesday, June 07, 2016It all happened rather suddenly. I was convinced that I would have to be induced like I was the first time around, but it wasn't to be. We had family due to arrive on a Tuesday morning at Heathrow Airport at 6am. My waters broke at 5am. Finnlay arrived later that afternoon all on his on schedule.
I've heard a lot of negative things about the staff at Whipps Cross Hospital, but - just like the first time around - they were fantastic and even the student midwives made a big, positive impression on the whole experience. I was really grateful that they were there with me throughout everything because it didn't go quite according to plan and I needed all the support I could get. After a number of ups and downs, we made it out all okay and were released from the postnatal ward the following day.
So, on Tuesday we had a baby. On Wednesday, I was sent home. A week later, after two months of waiting, we found out that everything had finally gone through successfully on the house we were trying to buy. That Saturday, we were packed and moving. Photos soon, I promise.
And now, all quite unexpectedly and suddenly, we're a family of four living at the seaside. It's not quite where I imagined myself, but now that we're here, it's all rather special.
The house needs a lot of work and a lot of love. Luckily, we're all doing our bit - even Isla, who is delighted with her new brother and her fabulous new garden. Sweeping? Yes please! Weeding? Such fun!
Soon, I will get my camera out. But, for now, we're sitting outside in the garden where the internet doesn't quite reach, the sun is shining, and the grass desperately needs a trim.