Gratitude Journal. Day one.
Tuesday, October 08, 2013This weekend, my amazing mother-in-law encouraged us to start writing a gratitude journal. Once a day, she said, the two of us should be writing down five things that we're thankful for.
It can be a thought, something simple, an idea. Anything. Focusing on the positive will change the way you think. I've decided to accept the challenge, but with one thing a day for the next month, which I'll share with you here. Who knows - it might make all the difference. Changing all the can'ts into cans and the wont's into wants.
It's quite a big commitment, once-a-day-positive-thinking.
Here's today's thought. Today I am grateful for flowers, and for colour. Even when you're glum and feeling low, they continue to open up and bloom into velvety folds of rich, deep colour. They carry on, even if you can't.