Packing and Procrastinating

Sunday, June 09, 2013

It's official, we signed the contract. We move into our new rental flat in T-minus 6 days. We've packed the most important things: books (all of the boxes above), baking equipment, and the tea set. Who needs clothes, crockery, and other day-to-day household goods? Bah.

Packing is dreary work. Making home-made ice cream from an easy peasy no-churn recipe is an infinitely better use of time. Vanilla ice cream with swirled maple caramel and chopped pecans, by the by.

Also, Irish Tea Cakes. 

And, re-folding and organising of fabric quarters.

I think this is a really good use of time. Who needs packing?

The funny thing is, the things still need to find their way into boxes. They need to be wrapped in newspaper, taped up, labelled. They need to be loaded onto a van and driven to their new home. They need to be unpacked, cleaned, tidied. Moving is not fun.

Knitting, on the other hand, is fun

I've been merrily knitting a little duet of Matinee Coats for two lovely little new 'uns who will be joining our friends later this year. Twins, they're having. Twins. They need knitted garments. 

One is pink, one is a lovely blush brown. The pattern, Baby Matinee Coat, is from a Debbie Bliss book and is ravelled here. It knits up really quickly with a simple lace repeat and stockinette stitch.

The colours go rather well together. I'm on the last few rows of the pink sleeves, then they're ready to sew up! All my blocking mats (also known as packaging boxes) are currently in use as actual packaging boxes so I may have to actually get some packing done once I've run out of knittery. Huff.

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