I know, I know. A new project. But, you see. My Charcoal Holden Shawlette is blocked and ready to go to its new home. And I'm having some serious knitting lace withdrawals. What else can I do on the trains? What else can I do when I'm early for meetings? It's the most sensible option, you see. The best use of time. No argument,...
This weekend, I had a bit of a catch up. I had Saturday all to myself, so I disconnected the internet and finished blocking the Charcoal Holden Shawlette. Blocking is really satisfying. I do it old school, by arranging the garment in the desired shape/ dimensions, and then pinning it in place and spraying it with water. Once dry, it's blocked. You can...
I have been doing a little bit of knitting. Okay - a lot of knitting. I've knitted jumpers, booties, baby cardigans and have even started knitting a lamb. I like to think of it as my winter sport. Brr. As I've been terrible with taking photographs and sharing all things knitty, I've decided to start with the most current: this is on my...
The lovely ladies of the East End Women's Institute are Christmas Marketing on the 3rd of December. I'll be selling a range of handmade gifts and goodies (two weeks to get making!) and there are loads of other exciting things on offer. Pop in around 7pm for a mince pie and some festive cheer, and bring your purse - there'll be plenty of...
And we're back! We had a great time in sub-zero Northern Wales. There were masses of mountains, scattered with sheep. There were rally tracks and 4x4 trails. There were many, many jackets and layers. And scarves. I even took my blanket with. Just in case. Strangely enough, we spent a lot of our driving time in Wales held up by roadworks. It was...
It is my husband's birthday today. We have been celebrating since Friday (as you do) and, as every good birthday party requires a cake, I made him my very first novelty cake: a Formula 1 car. I didn't have any professional tools or experience, just some food colours, some reference photos and a general idea. This is miles away from banana bread and...
Take just ten minutes. Get a cup of tea, and watch this video. It doesn't matter how bad your week was, or if someone is upsetting you, or if you have something you're dreading. This video will completely change the way you look at things, and will put things in perspective. Hello, Monday morning. ...
So, I made it. Thirty days of positive thinking and being grateful. Of course, it was inevitable that today I would be grateful for gratitude, wasn't it? But I'm not just grateful for thinking positively - that is, after all, exactly what I've got out of this. I'm also grateful for the whole process. I slowly started to see how negative I was...
Today I am grateful for things to look forward to. It has been a hard day - a hard month! - and it's the little things that make all the difference. Biscuits, straight out of the oven. Mary Berry's infallible oat biscuit recipe which, I discovered yesterday, work just as well with honey instead of syrup. Hot bubble baths at the end of the...
Sometimes, the most special and wonderful things in life are just moments. Today, I am grateful for these tiny little glimpses of why it's all worthwhile. The day is frantic, the postman is grumpy, there is a queue. Oo's next? The lady in front of me isn't paying attention because she's sending a text on her mobile phone. The man in front of her...
Today, I'm really grateful for blogland - and that there are people out there who share amazing things with the rest of the world. I have been working on some gifts for a special occasion (I'm making these pretty potholders by NanaCompany) and I needed some bias binding. I have some stashed away, but it's the stiff polyester stuff and it wouldn't do at all....
Time has really flown by. Day 26 already! Today I am grateful for tastes from home. A parcel arrived in the post this morning (thank you Anne!) with treats from home - and two magazines. The perfect thing for a Saturday afternoon, after all the running around/grocery shopping/cleaning has been done. I flipped through the Fresh Living magazine and happened upon a recipe for...
This pretty felted heart garland was sent to me all the way from Sunny South Africa. Straight from the heart! Today, I am grateful that my beautiful friend Anne thinks of me always, and shares my love of all things wool-and-hearts. I am also particularly grateful for artists like Skaapie (felter and pretty-things-maker extraordinaire) who make me love being a crafter and an artist, and...