A few of my favourite things

Thursday, November 20, 2014

My days are filled with tiny little hands and feet, beautiful nonsensical babbles and smelly nappies.

We bath, we play, we dance, we take turns napping. At night, bleary eyed, we try to guess what her cries mean as we softly shush her and shift from foot to foot as we rock her. These are our slow - but full - baby days. 

She is one month old now, and she has the most wonderful personality and alert eyes. She loves music and lights and cuddles. She tells me stories in her own little language. She loves going for walks, adventuring about in the fresh autumn air. I rarely switch on the computer.

I miss sewing and knitting and making, but soon, soon we will start to fit these things into our days as it gets colder and darker outside.

For now, though, we take long walks through the park, meet friends for coffee, snooze on the sofa, and snuggle in bed and under the duvet when it rains outside. 

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