Snow is the most marvellous thing to behold - soft flurries of gentle flakes drifting down, the tiniest of hailstones from time to time, wet and cold drops dissolving on your nose. It gathers and builds up in piles just big enough to accommodate a two year old's delighted stomp. Blurry blissful moments.
Today, it is cold. And snowing. And wet. We are wrapped up warmly inside, under blankets with little noses pressed up against the window. I'm fiddling about on my "mama puter" (which translates, of course, to mama's computer) doing bits of work, sorting out photographs, getting organised for the weeks ahead.
We're still making soap. We're still enjoying making soap. We're putting together gift sets, filling up the curing racks with our tried-and-tested favourites, and researching new ideas. I'm also doing a bit of soapy experimentation with new ingredients - rosemary, rock salt, mica. The house smells amazing.
I don't feel like I've caught up from December yet. This is the first time that we've had the tiniest bit of slow, and I'm so grateful. I'm going to finish off those socks that have been on my knitting needles, dig out an old project I've had on my mind, and might even try to track down my terrifically bright Carousel which had to go on hold during soapmania. Maybe - maybe - I'll have it ready for Finnlay's first birthday in a few months.