
The Milo Vest

Monday, January 25, 2016

It's freezing here. Like, right down into your bones kind of cold. In the mornings, the windows are frosted up and there is a thick sheet of ice on the cars outside. Even the grass is frozen.

It's days like these that make me want to hibernate indoors, drinking mugs of hot tea and knit-knit-knitting along to make socks, mittens and other warm things. It's so tempting to just ignore responsibilities like work and cleaning in favour of things like the clickety-clack of your needles. Still, an hour of knitting in the evenings is such a lovely thing to look forward to.

I've finished Isla's Milo Vest which is a marvellous thing (ravelled here). It is snugly warm, easy to make, and uses up a surprisingly little amount of yarn. This was a stash-busting project and I used up some leftover yarn from this project. I had 100g of yarn to get through and now have about 40g leftover which I was really surprised about (I was convinced it would use all of it), so will need to use this up somewhere else.

I like that the vest is easy and comfortable, and doesn't restrict a toddler's movements at all because the arms are free. I also like that it is warm and cosy, and moves easily through daily movements: climbing on furniture, crawling into small spaces, swinging in the park and snuggling on the couch.

I chose to do the heart cable on the front, but I'm sorry I didn't do a chunkier cable or a stranded knitted pattern. It's far too delicate for this vest in the tweed-like yarn I've chosen... although I think it would look lovely in a contrasting colour or with some kind of felt applique.

It has started to warm up today... but I think we are all going to need an army of vests to make it through the next few months!

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