It's freezing here. Like, right down into your bones kind of cold. In the mornings, the windows are frosted up and there is a thick sheet of ice on the cars outside. Even the grass is frozen. It's days like these that make me want to hibernate indoors, drinking mugs of hot tea and knit-knit-knitting along to make socks, mittens and other warm...
New year, new skill! Soapmaking: tick. I've been making melt-and-pour soap for a few years, but it was high time to find out how to do it properly ala cold process. And so, I enrolled for Melinda Coss's Cold Process Soap Making Course. She's a pretty well-established authority in craft circles (she actually wrote the book on some of my favourite crafts unrelated to...
Happy New Year! Did you have a magical farewell to 2015, and a cheerful wave hello to 2016? Oh I do hope so. Here's Isla, waving at Granny on skype while wearing her festive headgear and pyjamas. As you do. "Christmas" was a wonderful week in our house: we were off work, all together. We stayed in bed late every day, we ate...