Screenprinting: progress

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Remember this pic from yesterday? I thought I'd show you a little more of what's been happening in my screenprinting class.

Last week, Julie from Kip&Fig and I spent two and a half hours printing the same prints over and over again, on a thousand different fabrics and papers, trying to get the hang on print pressure, alignment, and colours. We mixed up different types of paints too, and experimented with thickness and absorption (into the fabric).

Here are some of our prints drying. We seem to take up a lot of space on the racks this week. It's really tricky trying to take photographs when you're absolutely covered in paint! I got so fed up with the paint that at the end, I was just using my hands to apply the paint instead of using the squeegee. What a great word. Squeegee.

I also prepared a new screen for this week's print. My aim was to put together a repeatable design that could be used to print continuous lengths of fabric. It's small (about 3/4 of an A4 page), but can be lifted up and printed in sequence both vertically and horizontally. I drew up the print in photoshop - they're guinea fowl feathers which of course remind me of home! Guinea fowl run completely wild in places in South Africa. 

I feel a little bit like Dorothy this week. A lot of heel-clicking and muttering of there's no place like home. No luck  yet.

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