Today, we had sunshine. We adventured, and enjoyed the lazy warmth. Tomorrow is a bank holiday. We have packed our bags, made the sandwiches in advance. We're setting off early for a road-trip up to the Lake District. We're going camping. I've charged my camera batteries and have readied my foraging bag: I'm going in search of design inspiration for painting, printing and...
Remember this pic from yesterday? I thought I'd show you a little more of what's been happening in my screenprinting class. Last week, Julie from Kip&Fig and I spent two and a half hours printing the same prints over and over again, on a thousand different fabrics and papers, trying to get the hang on print pressure, alignment, and colours. We mixed up different...
First, my Wednesday WIP: the Olive Shawlette. I have a love/hate relationship with this bit of the project. I was watching a movie last weekend and merrily knitting away, and I didn't notice that my very last lace repeat didn't match up. Not at all. I had to go back and unknit five rows. Five mega rows. Over 300 stitches per row. Yes, I...
There's nothing nicer than receiving something in the post - especially when that something is all wrapped up in brown paper and you just know that it contains a bundle of beautiful little scrappy bits of Liberty fabrics. I ordered this teensy weensy bundle from Very Berry Fabrics. It's the "ditzies only" bundle, and is made up of really tiny bits of Liberty fabric featuring...
You know that yarn you buy because it's oh so beautiful, and then you stash it away until a rainy day? The yarn you absolutely had to have because the colourway was just perfect and it would have made the most beautiful little shawl? That yarn. It came out of the box a few weeks ago. In this case, this particular yarn is Araucania Ranco...
07/12/2015 Edit to add: the template has now been updated and is hosted on flickr. Scroll down for the working link! 10/02/2016: I've also added a link to a dropbox download for those who are struggling with flickr. Get in touch if you want it emailed to you instead. It was a good weekend for stitching! Spring has definitely sprung; there are spring...
Kaffe Fassett, says Wikipedia, rhymes with safe asset. That settles it. Kafe. I was wrong. It's not Kaff-ee. Still. The activity sheet made up for my disappointment. I met up with the lovely Miriam and went to see the Fashion and Textile Museum exhibition on Kaffe Fassett: A life in Colour. It was ... interesting. You walk through four galleries of Kaffe-displays, from photographs...
I've been stitching up some more HSTs for my quilt, which has now been named the Gypsy Blue Quilt. It's blue. It's made from FQs of Valori Wells's Karavan which full of fun and a bit of magic. The name seems right. Blues and greys and subtle greens. I've resisted adding in any other colours - although some of the designs have a touch...
My screenprinting course has been marvellous. Week two: we splished and splashed, painted and squeegeed. We rolled, textured, printed and blocked. We got covered in blue paint and our nails were detailed in an assortment of whites, blues and greens. (Ahem, the messy bit is more of a me than a we, but let's not get bogged down in the details, okay?) My giraffe was...
That's all. ...