
Farm Girl Vintage Quilt

Thursday, March 25, 2021

I've always wanted to make a Farmer's Wife Quilt. I think it is one of the rites of passage for a quilter - like upgrading to proper quilting thread, or discovering that you have more quilting rulers than is strictly necessary. Farmer's Wife Quilt? You've arrived. 

I fell in love with Lori Holt's Farm Girl Vintage 2 when she released it in 2015, but at that stage I had a tiny baby, another one on the way, and absolutely zero sewing time. I would look at it wistfully on instagram and blogs, watching everyone make their beautiful Farm Girl Vintage quilts while I sterilised baby bottles, changed nappies and packed moving boxes. 

Fast forward six years later (!) and the babies are both a little bit bigger and quite self sufficient. There are no more nappies. The bottle steriliser is gone and there is space for a sewing machine (or two). And I'm ready. I'm ready for slow stitching, fabric gathering, block measuring, and quilting. I'm ready for 50 pieced and quilted blocks, and to indulge in a Farmer's Wife Quilt with a difference. This isn't the old-fashioned quilt of yesteryear. Although those too are beautiful, the cheerful blocks and bright colours of the Farm Girl Vintage quilt are just more - me

Lori Holt Farm Girl Vintage 2 Quilt Bakercourt

There are two Farm Girl Vintage books (creatively named Farm Girl Vintage and Farm Girl Vintage 2!). In the sampler pattern (on the front cover of the Farm Girl Vintage 2 book above) there are 20 12-inch blocks and 30 6-inch blocks, and I chose blocks from both books based on what I'd have in my farm if I were lucky enough to live on one! It was really slow going, especially when trying to fit blocks within the tiny moments I've managed to carve out in the early mornings or late afternoons. But it is so worth it. 

Lori Holt Farm Girl Vintage 2 Quilt Bakercourt

The patterns are all really easy to follow. There's a clear cutting list for each fabric needed for each block. You start by cutting out each piece, and then label the pieces. Some blocks had ten or twelve pieces so it was easy to keep them organised. Some had more than thirty. And just look. Quilted pumpkins. 

Lori Holt Farm Girl Vintage 2 Quilt Bakercourt

I started out by piecing individual blocks, and I tried to get one or two done a day. This one is a baked pie (with fiddly pie crust) and oven gloves. Once completed, I stuck the blocks up on the wall above my sewing machine with washi tape. 

Lori Holt Farm Girl Vintage 2 Quilt Bakercourt

The collection grew very quickly and took over the whole room! I didn't realise quite how large this quilt was going to be. Of course all the dimensions are in the book (it is 88.5 x 95.5 inches) but I didn't fully realise quite how big it was in real life until all of the blocks started gathering together and taking up lots and lots of space. I still think in centimetres and metres - the inches in quilting measurements don't seem like real figures until you see them in person!

Lori Holt Farm Girl Vintage 2 Quilt Bakercourt

The blocks came together quite quickly at the end, and I pieced them all together with small borders around each block. I ran out of white quilting cotton at this point and had to wait for a few more metres to be delivered, but that gave me plenty of time to give everything a good iron and to discover the wonders of starching fabric! Have you tried this? I was amazed at how neat it made everything. I didn't starch all the blocks but if I was ever going to make something like this again, I'd definitely starch them all to keep them neat and tidy, and also to make quilting easier. 

Lori Holt Farm Girl Vintage 2 Quilt Bakercourt

But look. It is perfect. And it covers our entire enormous bed. This is the luxury of living in Abu Dhabi - everything is super sized! We won't take the bed home with us when we do go back to England; not only would it not fit in any of our bedrooms, but it would be absolutely impossible to get the bed base or the mattress up the stairs! So the quilt will fold over the sides of our usual bed and touch the floor.
Lori Holt Farm Girl Vintage 2 Quilt Bakercourt

I quilted each block differently, and I really like the way that it makes the blocks pop out. I left some small areas unquilted - like the yellow stripes on the bee's body, or the cat face, or the heart in the middle of the beehive. I like that they're puffy and dimensional. 

Lori Holt Farm Girl Vintage 2 Quilt Bakercourt

The background was a free motion swirl meander, but I changed this depending on the block. Swirls, loops, stipples and lines. I added quilted petals to the flowers, stripes to the yarn skeins, loop-de-loops to the kettle, hearts willy-nilly and spirals absolutely everywhere else. It took ages to quilt. I had to move my sewing machine to the dining room table for more space, and I took over the entire room (and all the chairs) for a week while I slowly stitched away each day. 

Lori Holt Farm Girl Vintage 2 Quilt Bakercourt

I really love these yarn skeins! It's the "Grandma's Crochet" block. In my case, it's definitely Mama's Crochet, I don't think either of my grandmothers are known for their crochet.

Lori Holt Farm Girl Vintage 2 Quilt Bakercourt

Happy, swirly peas. This is the "Peas and Carrots 2" block. 

Lori Holt Farm Girl Vintage 2 Quilt Bakercourt

This is the "Evening Star" block. This was my first quilt block for the whole quilt, and I absolutely love these fabrics and the design. We have spent many, many nights under the desert sky watching the stars come out and swirl across the sky in a way that is totally unique to the Abu Dhabi terrain. The beauty of wild camping, which we've been fortunate enough to do for the past year or so, is that you're all alone in the great outdoors and there are no lights to obscure the sky and no other people around to interfere with the quiet of the great outdoors. It's really very magical!

This is the back of the quilt. It was just by chance that I happened upon this fabulous "What do the animals say - Chicken" fabric by Robert Kaufman at Srour Textiles. Based in Dubai, Ashiya at Srour Textiles is amazing -  I can highly recommend her and her shop to anyone in the UAE looking for top quality quilting cottons at a good price. She sends photos of newly-added fabrics via whatsapp, takes your order online, and then ships it via a driver. No need for PCR Covid testing and no need to travel to Dubai! Of course her shop is still physically open for local shoppers and she's very busy so the fabric usually sells out within a day or two of it listing. So I count myself very lucky that I managed to snap up enough of this for the whole back of the world's biggest quilt! I have a tiny bit spare that I'm saving for a rainy day, although Isla has asked me several times if she can have a chicken dress, please

Lori Holt Farm Girl Vintage 2 Quilt Bakercourt

I machine embroidered the quilt label, and folded it double to create a secret pocket which really pleases my inner-child. When this quilt eventually goes on the wall above my bed back in England, I plan to leave love letters in the pockets for the children and wait to see if they ever happen upon them. I embroidered the text on the prettiest white fabric that is white-on-white printed tiny flowers. I will have to take another picture to show you how lovely it is in real life. 

Overall, I'm thrilled. I love it. It's everything I wanted in a Farmer's Wife Quilt and more. I really like the cheerful colours, the collection of blocks, the secret pocket and the soft green binding. I love the Evening Star, the Canning Jars, the Honey Bees block, the Strawberry Jam block... there are just so many blocks to choose from in the books, and I can easily see myself making more of them for cushion covers, zippy pouches, and probably smaller quilts. 

There's an amazing halloween quilt (here) which uses the "Picnic Quilt" layout from Farm Girl Vintage but with a halloween twist - cats, stars and pumpkins! I don't think I have it in me to do a full size quilt any time soon, but it's definitely on the wish list. 🎃

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