
Further Adventures in Concrete (and Mosaic)

Wednesday, June 28, 2017
I have been working (slowly) on a few crafty projects around the house and am starting to finish things. Hurray! This past week, my mosaic house numbers went up on the wall. I love these - they're bright and cheerful, with just the right amount of sparkle to tell passers by that this is our house.  Our house that still needs a lot...


Finger Painting

Happy Everything!

Sunday, June 18, 2017
It's a particularly festive week here, what with Father's Day (today) and my birthday later this week (Wednesday). I made a cheerful banner to string across the wall in the dining room - happy everything! We made dad a card and a keyring for Father's Day. I really love this keyring - it was a collaborative art effort, with stamped polymer clay that...


Bean and Boy

As Pretty as a Princess

Monday, June 05, 2017
Here's a photo just to make you chuckle 😊 We attended the Southend Festival on Bank Holiday Weekend and it was loads of work - prepping, wrapping, setting up, chatting, selling. Ah it's a tough life.  It's not all work and no play though; we took every opportunity to chat to our market neighbours, go walking about and even hobnob with real-life Disney...



Happy Birthday Finnlay!

Thursday, June 01, 2017
We've had a whirlwind of activity here in the last few weeks, so much so that I've hardly had time to sit down and catch up! Most importantly, Finnlay turned one. Big boy! A whole year! It's amazing to see how different he is to his big sister at the same age. He is stronger, bigger, more demanding. But he is also less...