Alicia Paulson

Miss Maggie Rabbit: Alicia Paulson

Thursday, March 28, 2013
I have always admired Alicia Paulson's stitching - she has the prettiest little samplers and christmas ornaments, and her photographs are really something special. They make you want to get your stitch on. And then. Then, I saw Miss Maggie Rabbit. She's a fairly new addition to the Posie Gets Cozy family, and she's been featuring in blog posts for the last few weeks. She's completely hand-stitched...



Wednesday WIP: Onion Cardi

Wednesday, March 27, 2013
There seems to be an awful lot of knitting going on here. It must be because it's still snowing out (it's March, and there's SNOW) and I like to think of knitting as my "winter sport". Because really, we all need to keep active, don't we? This is my latest WIP - James C. Brett's creatively-named JB153. It's a chunky-weight cardi that is...



Folkestone: still pretty in blizzards

Monday, March 25, 2013
We bravely made our way out to Folkestone this weekend, despite the bad weather warnings and snow predictions. We set up camp (in tents), and we explored. In the wind. And snow. And rain. Despite all the "bad" weather, it was decidedly enjoyable and still beautiful. We had a little sheltered nook in the campsite away from the howling winds and falling snow....



Taking stock

Friday, March 22, 2013
Hobbycraft has a 3 for 2 sale on yarn. I happened to go past it last weekend, and found myself walking out with a bag of beautiful yarns. We have a rule in our house: nothing comes in until something is used or goes out. I think I've done enough knitting in the past few weeks to warrant a knitty stock replenish! I chose these...


Jane Austen Knits

Summer Pelisse: Done!

Monday, March 18, 2013
The Summer Pelisse is finished! Raveled here. It is, in fact, exactly what Jane Austen would knit - just in a different colour. Blocked, sewn up, assembled.  Tied up with pink ribbon. ... and ready to post to South Africa.  ...



Venice in Photos

Saturday, March 16, 2013
It has taken me a while, but I've finally sorted out my 670-odd photos from Venice.  I've enjoyed every minute of looking back on our little trip. I won't bore you with all of the photos, but if you're curious, here's my Flickr Set. There are a lot of photos of doors in there, be warned. Venice is a funny kind of place....



How did it get so late so SOON?

Thursday, March 14, 2013
And then, it was March. We're almost half way through the third month of the year - and I've only just turned my calendar over. How did I miss the start of March? How did I miss the end of January?! It's all looking very green above my desk. Very apt for Spring. ...


Jane Austen Knits

Wednesday WIP: Summer Pelisse

Tuesday, March 12, 2013
I haven't stitched one bit. But, I have been shopping and have found the perfect pink ribbon to go with the Summer Pelisse.  It's a sort of progress suitable for our "Wednesday Works In Progress" series, isn't it?  The button band is annoying. I'm saving it for last. I really hope this fits! ...



Sightseeing in Venice

Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Apologies for the lack of posting - but we've been in Venice! It was amazing. This is one of our famous "self portraits" - we have one from every city we visit. We took this in Possagno outside the Tempio Canoviano, a short drive into the countryside outside of Venice. It was incredibly difficult to hold the camera, smile, press the button, and not...


Jane Austen Knits

Wednesday WIP: Summer Pelisse

Wednesday, March 06, 2013
It took ages for the pelisse to block properly! But now, it's done. And it's lovely. I've sewn up the shoulder seams and sewn in the sleeves. I'm picking up stitches on the front for the button band. All that's left is are a few finishing touches - the ribbon, the buttons, the button band and neck band. And then, it is going to...



My favourite Oat Cookies

Sunday, March 03, 2013
There is something really satisfying about the humble oat cookie. You only need one or two with a cup of tea to make the whole afternoon that much nicer. I've tried a lot of different biscuit recipes - from peanut butter squares to healthier veg biscuits - but these ones still come out tops. It's a tried-and-tested Mary Berry recipe. The Queen of Baking. It's one...