And then suddenly, it was Christmas! Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. I hope you're spending it with family, around a turkey or some cake, with plenty of hugs. I don't celebrate Christmas, but there's something very special about all of this family togetherness. Also, the tinsel. The festivities, the lights, the pudding - all of these make this one of my...
It's true. Yesterday, I caught up on some last-minute sewing for Christmas. It should have taken an hour or two, but I had to rip out and re-sew two seams, rethread a bobbin twice, and rethread my overlocker - twice. Keep calm and carry on. My sewing room is all kinds of cheery this time of year. As the sun sets early, it's...
Spinning, I've discovered, is one of life's greatest fibre pleasures. I quite quickly made my way through the Jacob (scratchy and hairy) and the Blue Faced Leicester (wonderful and soft), and am now onto Merino. It's soft and light, and spins up beautifully. It's like it just wants to be spun into yards and yards of gorgeous yarn. I am, of course, happy to...
The lovely Karen from Sew Much 2 Luv got in touch with me a few months ago and asked if I'd make my Mermaid Fabric print (on Spoonflower) a little smaller. Of course! Why didn't I think of that? The new and improved mermaids are now the perfect size for fussy cut hexagons or patching. Cute. And here's what the talented Karen made from them:...
Dale Panagos28 September 1994 - 12 December 2013 My precious Dale, my beautiful cousin. It’s unimaginable to think that you are gone. When I got the phone call, my heart broke into a million tiny fragments, each one containing a happy memory of you. I know that if you were here, you’d hug us all and hand us each a mug of ice-cream,...
Another project, ticked off the to-do list. This time, two "pretty potholders" I made using NanaCompany's tutorial (here). I've been making these in stages, a little at a time after work: first, the cutting out of fabric. Then, a few days later, the wadding and the InsulBright. Then, the ruffles, the quilted panels and the pinning. So many pins. Then, the binding. I...
I've been knitting everywhere I go. On the train. In the car. While helping a friend move house. While waiting for dinner to cook in the oven. At the pub. And finally, My Light & Up shawl is off the needles and is blocking. I don't have blocking wires to keep the edges nice and straight, but that's okay. Pins work well. I rather...
I spent most of Saturday making home-made sweets and treats for the Christmas Market. I stirred and pulled and whisked and beat. I had an army of taste-testers to make sure everything was just fine. I made Rosa's Rice Krispies Bixies, which is a treat that my mother and aunt used to have when they were little. It's a combination of butter, rice...
The Christmas market was great fun. There were loads of amazing stalls, and lots of great conversation. I caught up on a bit of knitting and before I knew it, the night was over and it was time to pack up and go home! Here are some of the lovely things that were for sale in the market: Amazing knitted mice, by Elizabeth's...
I had a very busy weekend indeed. We had the family visiting, dinner for eight, baking and making for the Christmas market, lots of adventuring in London and further afield with grandparents - and even, a spot of spinning.
I ordered a drop spindle and some fibre about three weeks ago, and I've been waiting patiently for it to arrive. Every day, I ran to meet the postman. I felt like I was living the lyrics one of the Carpenters' songs. You know the one. And then, finally, the fibre (Jacob Wool) arrived. It smells like sheep. I often bury my nose in it and inhale the scent of the countryside. I offered whiffs to all of my dinner guests. Would you like to smell my sheep?
Mad sheep lady.
Really and truly, spinning yarn is wonderful. It's amazingly mathematical; you have to coordinate both hands, the amount of fibre you're spinning, the drafting and the pinching, and all the while keeping an eye on your drop spindle which is spinning dangerously close to the ground.
Also, the title is a reference to an old South African advert in which a rather camp man advises a group of women to try spinning, referring to the intense aerobic exercise often likened to torture. This spinning is much nicer. I keep replaying that phrase in my head, satisfied that I have in fact tried spinning, and it is wonderful.