afternoon tea

Fabric Shopping at Walthamstow Market

Friday, July 27, 2012
It has been a hot, hot week. The sun has been shining, the plants have been withering, the windows have been opened. These are rare things for London Town, so yesterday I popped out for a visit to the excellent Elizabeth who served coffee, scones and lemon curd cake in her beautiful garden. This is the ultimate mid-week treat; especially well-deserved after banishing...



The EEWI strikes again!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012
I chuckle every time I see the East End Women's Institute abbreviation: EEWI. It's a long story, but basically - you say it 'ee-wee'. And that rhymes with 'she-wee'. And that, dear bloggy readers, is a funny story that goes way back to The Aunt Who Does Not Like Camping who invented the 'tee-pee' - a wraparound canvas shield that prevents people from...


Kew Gardens

Making time for tea at Kew Gardens

Sunday, July 22, 2012
Kew Gardens is a magical place. It's an oasis in the hustle and bustle of London, offering an escape that takes you around the world as you visit the greenhouses, ponds and tearooms. Sometimes you just have to take an afternoon off work and explore London's corners, visiting places like Kew which remind you that you're not holed up in an urban jungle....



Breakfast with a friend, and how the world seems smaller than before.

Sunday, July 15, 2012
Sometimes the nicest thing about my kind of work is that I can just stop and really look at the flowers. It doesn't happen often. It's so easy to get bogged down in deadlines and to forget to let go. I don't remember what it's like to work in an office and to take lunch breaks. Working for yourself brings with it a lot...



A Muddy Weekend at Silverstone F1

Thursday, July 12, 2012
I've never been much of a camper. I have irrational fears about camping: there will be bugs in my bed. There will be rain. There will be no hot water. Worst of all: there will be no toilets, or really revolting and dirty toilets. Well, all of that happened this weekend. And more. And you know what? It wasn't as awful as I...