Devon was lovely. Granted, it rained non-stop. But that didn't put me off it one bit. The roads are really narrow, and driving along them is terrifying. But: there is no place like home, and Devon feels like Home. There are harbours everywhere, plenty of sea, rivers, and pretty colourful houses. Oh, how I love rows of beautiful colourful houses - like beach huts,...
Hello all you lovely blog readers! This is just a quick note to let you know that we're back safe and sound after an eventful (and rainy) camping trip in Devon. Paris, alack, was postponed, so we opted for a birthday break in the ever-sunny South West. When we arrived, it started drizzling. By the time we'd pitched our tent, it was pouring....
I have food poisoning. It's awful. I'm forced to sit still here on the couch as I look wistfully towards the pile of sewing waiting to be made into something amazing. I haven't cooked in two days. There a honey cake recipe I'm desperate to try but the thought of food is just ugh. And so, let's focus on something else, shall we? Something...
I've been searching for a pretty doll pattern for a certain little girl's birthday which is coming up very soon. In my searching, I happened upon Tilda, the Norwegian designer who seems to have taken the doll-world and home-decorating-world by storm. Everything in Tone's world is about pastel shades next to bright colours, bird cages and pearls, wide-hipped dolls and angels. Angels. Anyway,...
My new sewing machine is lovely. It is neat, and white, and still very clean. It currently sits on our dining room table which has now been dubbed "my sewing spot". The mister is being very patient and very lovely, and has even vacuumed up the bits of cotton that have magically found their way to the floor. And so, I've been merrily...
The whole of London was awash this weekend with rain droplets, English flags and bunting. There were fêtes, festivals, parties and jubilee celebrations across the capital; it was really something magical! We didn't venture out to Battersea in the pouring rain, or to the other celebrations at Buckingham Palace. Instead, we lazily stayed indoors and I sewed while watching the celebrations on TV. It...
Happy Jubilee, all! It's been a lovely long weekend with four days of rainy fun. It was a particularly wonderful weekend full of happy London locals, lots of new people around who happened upon London for the Jubilee celebrations, and many many umbrellas. Here's what we did this weekend: We went to a concert. It was incredible! Thin Lizzy opened for Guns n' Roses...