afternoon tea

Tea Parties in the Rain with the EEWI

Thursday, April 26, 2012
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens Brown paper packages tied up with strings These are a few of my favourite things. Well, there were plenty of raindrops and kettles and kittens yesterday. It was the monthly WI Coffee Morning, but this time we did something different: instead of heading to a local coffee shop extraordinaire,...



Cuddly Cephalopods: Stevie the Octopus

Sunday, April 22, 2012
Stevie is the newest addition to our Bakercourt family. She's a raspberry pink octopus. Of the knitted variety. She has large amber eyes, shaped tentacles and a penchant for knitting needles (especially those dpns which have a charming little glove to keep them warm!) I've always had a soft spot for cephalopods. I blame Jules Verne. So, when I saw Hansi Singh's Amigurumi Knits (because,...


afternoon tea

Afternoon Tea Party at Bakercourt

Monday, April 16, 2012
We had a bread-free Easter. Actually, it happens every year. I know - no hot cross buns, the horror! - but every year at this time of year we celebrate Pesach (Passover) which happens to coincide with a bread-ban over Easter time. Somebody didn't think this through when they came up with religious calendars.  Anyway - so this weekend past, we celebrated the...



Drawing Jane: The Jane Austen Centre

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
It has been a bit of a glum week. The rain has been pouring down, paperwork has been forming itself into giant piles and deadlines are looming ever-closer.  On the up-side, my planted seeds have become seedlings, I have finished the Airforce Jumper (this one) and it's already mid-week. Also, gifts have arrived. I have just completed a new set of designs for...



Pretty things from Heartfeltstuff.com

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
The postman arrived this morning absolutely laden with parcels. I was completely surprised. And completely delighted. There's really nothing quite as lovely as receiving a bunch of things you didn't necessarily order through snail mail. It reminds me a bit of The Sound of Music and singing choruses about 'a few of my favourite things' all tied up with string. And so, imagine my delight...


bethnal green

Spring Saturdays, Carpet Yarn and Chocolate Tagliatelle

Sunday, April 01, 2012
This is the second week in a row that I've insisted on taking my Saturday off work. I feel quite liberated! This is definitely something I could get used to. The weather was a bit cooler than it has been, but it was still an excellent day for a walk. So we headed up to Bethnal Green (just a few stops away) and...