If you remember from this post, I've been getting things ready for the Noni Knit-a-Long which is happening over the next few months thanks to knitwear designer Nora Bellows. We've all been swatching, comparing notes, needles and yarns and we've finally (or maybe, I've finally) got around to the actual knitting bit. Here's what my Ella Coat looks like after week two: As you...
I read a lot of foodie blogs and chat to a lot of lovely foodie writers here in the UK and around the world. Everyone operates using clever little blog names (mine is derived from the very first block of flats I lived in when I moved to the UK, Baker Court, which seemed fitting at the time of starting this blog!) or...
I have never learnt how to do embroidery. Never. In primary school our classes were separated into girls and boys, and the girls would do needlework (I knitted a rat as my first project) and the boys would do woodwork. Then, after about four or five lessons into the school term, we were all thrown into the same class for 'design and technology'...
January is a time for New Year Resolutions filled with ambitious projects and good sentiments. Mine are mostly the same as yours. Together, we will lose weight this year. We all will spend less time working. We will finish the projects we start, and we will knit more ...at least I can get started on that last one! I've been completely inspired. This is the Ella...
I first saw the pattern for these Baby Ugg Booties a few months back on Let's Knit Magazine's pattern archive. They're really cute, and would make the perfect gift for the latest addition to our circle of friends: Baby Tyler Agnew. I made the 'Blake' version of the baby booties in a really soft Twilley tweedy yarn that blends deep brown and greys,...