
Prinzregententorte, or 'Prince Regent Cake'

Sunday, May 22, 2011
I've been wanting to make a Prinzregententorte for months. It's an elegant cake, a royal cake ... an epic cake. The kind of cake you get from Limnos or Cassis. It takes hours and hours and hours to make, and it's such a risk to invest that much time and energy (not to mention money!) into something you've never seen or tasted for...



Broadway Market: The Good, The Trendy and The Tasty!

Monday, May 16, 2011
There's nothing quite like getting up on a Saturday morning and heading out for a day at the markets. Oh, and we are spoilt here in London with so many beautiful markets to choose from! This Saturday, however, we headed to the eclectic Hackney for an amble around Broadway Market. It's a lovely market with filled with oh-so trendy vintage decor, clothing, antiques and...



Toffee Apple Tower Cupcakes

Monday, May 16, 2011
I realised this afternoon that it is Sunday, the end of the week, and NO baked goods had graced my kitchen counters. None. Okay, there were some baked wholemeal bread rolls, but those hardly count, do they? Well, it was only right that I bake the most amazing, mouth-watering and epic cupcakes to make up for it. That's how these beautiful Toffee Apple...



Spicy Burgers, BBC style

Thursday, May 12, 2011
My kitchen is a safe-haven. A lovely place to escape to. A happy place. And there is nothing that my kitchen likes more than new kitchen gadgets. Enter: brand new kitchen scale! It's beautiful and neat with a glass top and a digital blue output. Mm. And it weighs perfectly. This is wholemeal flour being weighed for a batch of burger bun rolls....



Dale's Lemon Squares

Sunday, May 08, 2011
This week has been an interesting sort of week. A lot of webby stuff, a lot of designing, a lot of charity work (as soon as the new website is up, I'll post a link so you can look-see). I've been waiting oh-so-patiently to try out Dale's Lemon Squares. They came highly recommended in a little link earlier this week, and the printed-out...



February Lady Sweater - an Ode to Elizabeth Zimmerman

Friday, May 06, 2011
Warning: contains enormous amounts of knittery glee. Elizabeth Zimmerman, the mother of modern-day knitting, wrote a life-changing series of knitting books answering all the knittery woes of every-day people. That's probably why she had such a following during her lifetime, and it's also probably why she has such a large following now. It's also probably why Pamela Wynne, Ravelry Member, has adapted the...



Delicious Marshmallows and Nigella's Blueberry Muffins

Monday, May 02, 2011
Long weekends are lovely things. They're late-sleepy, catch-uppy and friendly. I like them very much. I've been scouring the shops around here in London looking for a pork-free gelatine. It's much more difficult than it sounds: pork is the preferred medium of the English, it seems. Luckily, the cheaper range of Dr Oetker delivers a beef-based gelatine which, while sounding particularly revolting, works...