abu dhabi

Time for Tea (Cake)

Sunday, March 22, 2020
One of the most amazing things about living in the UAE is the sheer amount of little luxuries. I'm not talking about fancy cars or opulent architecture - although there is plenty of that - but rather about the small luxuries that make up everyday life.  For example, this week we arranged to have some suits dry-cleaned. With two presses of a button...


abu dhabi

Living with one foot out the door

Monday, March 16, 2020
Selfie at the Fossil Dunes, Abu Dhabi I was reading an article last week and I came to the sudden realisation that I've been living temporarily, or as they say, living with one foot out the door. That is to say, although we've been living in Abu Dhabi for a year so far, I haven't really admitted or committed to it emotionally or geographically....