abu dhabi

Click your heels together

Wednesday, May 29, 2019
We've been in the UAE for six months now. It's hot here, surprisingly hot. You prepare yourself for "desert conditions" but you don't expect the thick, humid heat that permeates everything. It is a stark contrast to the air conditioned interiors you find everywhere at this time of year. There are sandstorms, whirling sand dervishes that follow you as you walk, flying into...



Happy New Year!

Wednesday, January 09, 2019
Happy New Year to you and yours! What an interesting year 2018 was. Full of opportunities, learning and changes. I keep thinking about a post that I must write, a moment that I must share, but I haven't stopped in the last six months. Not even for a minute. Not even to jot down notes or stitch a tiny bit of that embroidery...