It's been an incredibly busy time here. My soap business has grown wings and taken flight off into the sky, and I'm flapping about underneath trying to keep up with it - measuring, making, cutting, wrapping. It used be something I did in the evenings after the children went to bed, now it's a full time job. It's an honour and a privilege...
May is very nearly gone, and that's happened really suddenly! This big boy turned two a few days ago which I can hardly believe. Happy birthday Finnlay, you are magnificent! He has grown into a brilliant child full of ideas, boisterous enthusiasm and helpfulness that is well-balanced by an ethereal sensitivity. It's magic to watch him grow. We step through the days with...
I think I've been crocheting the Solar System CAL (crochetalong) forever. Far longer than space, and time. Far longer than expected. In the beginning, there was nothing. And then BAM! We had a sun. Cute. Then it grew and grew with void space and orbits - bigger, and bigger. Each new pattern portion was released weekly on a Friday and I raced through...
Sorry, time really seems to have just disappeared! I keep meaning to find a spare twenty minutes or so to write a blog post after I've tidied the house, fed the children, made soap (and more soap and more soap and more soap), replied to work emails, printed off packaging and orders, done the washing, walked to the post office to post those...