
Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 30, 2017
Oh, we've had a marvellous time. We cooked and cooked and cooked - and then ate, and ate,  and ate. We had visitors from near and far, and we celebrated the festivities of Channukah/Christmas (Christmakkah, my cousin calls it) across many meals. I think it would have been more fun if I didn't have an emerging wisdom tooth (at 32!) and a subsequent...



Keeping kids busy - Activity Worksheets

Tuesday, December 19, 2017
School's finishing up this week, so we've printed out "homework" to keep everyone from going mad. School holidays are fun, but my work doesn't go on holiday and Finnlay is too little to even understand what holidays are ... so we stick more or less to the schedule and keep kids busy! Isla loves homework. It's in a special folder, has special "homework-only"...



Toddler makes

Sunday, December 17, 2017
As the year draws to a close, the days are so much shorter and the nights are starting mid-afternoon. It's cold, so we spend a lot more time indoors and around the dining room table, painting, glittering, making playdough shapes (it's a cookie, mummy, for you. There's a candle, can you see?). Everything, it seems, is glittery. Every tiny piece of glitter is...