
Probably the best choccy biccies ever (Granny Boyd's Biscuits)

Sunday, August 27, 2017
School holidays are nearing an end. I didn't think I'd make it this far without holiday club (school during the holidays) or babysitting, but I have. We have. We've done days out, adventures, sleepovers, play dates, painting, slime-making, finger-painting, gardening, swinging and sliding, swimming, crafting and baking. Oh, the baking. We've baked everything - bread, this apple cake using our own apples, cakes in various...



Z is for Zebra (summer holiday activities)

Tuesday, August 01, 2017
Summer holidays are here! I've helped Isla to make a list of all the things that she'd like to do in the coming weeks. It looks a little like this: make slime bake biscuits painting playdoh pizzas painting go to the aquarium stickers painting Clearly she has her priorities straight. We did try out some slime (I'll post about that later) but it has...