We sort of fell into this soapmaking thing. I knew I needed to make totally natural soap - something safe to use on Isla's skin which was covered in teeny tiny little eczema bumps - and started experimenting with melt-and-pour soaps. That was - maybe - two years ago? Quite so. Then, I went on a cold-process course earlier this year (and wrote...
It's not yet winter. It might be frosty and cold and icy, but it's not yet winter. I keep telling myself this, like we can keep the cold at bay a little longer. We've been busily pottering about in the house: still stripping wallpaper (there is almost enough wallpaper in this house to go around the world three times, I'm sure of it), smoothing...
The Carousel CAL is coming along quite nicely now. I've done the cream and red ("lipstick" - what a lovely colour name!) bands, joined them with mustard gold, and attached them to part one's central flower motif. Circus-y blanket with bonus roses. Lovely. We're on to part three now: multi-coloured pentagons that go round and round to form the big top's "skirt". I...