
Easter Bonnets and Tissue Flowers

Monday, March 28, 2016
Long weekends are the best. Have you had an Easter weekend filled with chocolate messes and brightly-coloured bonnets? Oh I do hope so, there's something quite wonderful about sharing Easter with a little person. Each little foil-wrapped chocolate is magical, and bunnies with bells are the (anticipated) norm. Collectively, we've moved through the days armed with packets of wet wipes for sticky fingers...


on being

Winding down, winding up

Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Saturday afternoon collecting seashells in Southend-on-Sea. A row of beach hut soldiers are a cheerful sight. Things have slowed down - and sped up - quite a bit around here. It's like a topsy turvy rollercoaster of "must finish this before I go on maternity leave" and "oh how I wish I had an extra hour - or four - to stay in...