This is Bert. His name comes from his pattern, another amigurumi animal by Sharonlee Holder. I saw him made up in Thimbles, a yarn shop in Durbanville, Cape Town, while on holiday there. Such a lovely shop, so worth a visit if you're in the area. He's very sweet, and the proportions are all right. I made him using Vinni's Colours Serina, a...
My baba turned one last week. That's quite something. I can't believe how quickly the time has flown by, and how much life has changed (positively) since she arrived. I love that she is the happiest, most cheerful and enthusiastic little girl I've ever met. I love that she has so much personality, and that she just wants to share it with you...
Another day, another ta da! This is Duck, the Giraffe. Raveled here. I made him for Isla's birthday, so he shall now make his way into the Great First Birthday Stash of Gifts to be wrapped and stored away until Monday. Duck is a completely posable free-standing giraffe, with a jingly bell in his neck and a really cute twisty tail. His legs, attached...
Time has sped since we returned from our trip to South Africa. We've had visitors, we've all been sick with some 'flu or virus or another, and the days are rolling by into shorter and shorter burst of sunshine. Lots of scarves, slippers, pots of cosied-tea. For a time, we were all sick, and spent our nights huddled under a blanket on the...