Another baby birthday, another dress ... but this time it was for the birthday girl, not the baba. I made the Granny Square Crochet Baby Dress (pattern here), which turned out rather nicely. The bodice is made up of crocheted granny squares and treble crochet rows, and the skirt is a cotton fabric attached to the hem of the crocheted bodice. I used...
I haven't crocheted for a very long time. A very long time. I gave it up because I wanted to learn how to knit. You know, because you either knit or you crochet. I hadn't realised that the two weren't mutually exclusive. You can crochet and knit. I know, gasp. Turns out, it is pretty easy to pick up again. I made this monkey...
Isla insists on feeding herself. Spoons are banned. Purees are too. It's a phase, I keep telling myself. Baby cannot exist on cucumber sticks and biscuits alone. Baby biscuits - the type you buy in a box from the supermarket - cost a fortune. There are all of these new rules about what you can and can't feed a baby, but I figure...