Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! x ...
Everyone loves hot chocolate, right? Right. Especially at winter, brr. And in Autumn. And in Spring. And, well, let's be honest, just about any time of year. And what could be better than an enormous jar of your favourite hot chocolate, topped with chocolate chips and eeny weeny mini marshmallows? I made these as stocking fillers for the children in our family for...
I'm really pleased with how these little gift ornaments turned out. I have a huge stash of wooden discs, cut from large branches (!), that can be made into all sorts of wonderful things. You can make them yourself from found branches I'm sure, but I don't have the space for tools (other than my trusty dremel of course!) so I buy them...
I was determined to make many of our gifts for giving this Christmas. There have been gingerbread men, hot chocolate pots and handmade ornaments. And, just a handful of Christmas Knits. Here's a quick roundup: Giant Pom Pom Hat for Amelia (Raveled Here) Amelia, Isla's very best friend from nursery, loves pom poms. Like, loves pom poms. So, she gets a giant pom pom hat....
I can hardly believe that it is December. Mid-December. Just five-more-sleeps-until-Christmas-December. Where has the year gone?! It's all very sudden. Work has been very demanding in the last six months, taking over from sensible (read: craft) activities and any kind of artistic expression. Have you noticed that this blog has been much neglected? I have. *embarrassed*. Still. Here we are. It is the...
Winter arrived. It was quite all-of-a-sudden-ly. Now, cold hands and woolly hats are abundant. The park froze over. The puddles are miniature ice-rinks. Jumpers and cardigans have been replaced by snowsuits. There was, in fact, even snow. In London. In NOVEMBER! I haven't been crafting much as it seems that I spend more time making sandwiches for lunches, cleaning up after messy baby...
It may have been a bit ambitious to make a one-year-old baby a quilt for her birthday, but she was delighted. She unwrapped it, picked it up, and hugged it with her tiny baby arms. She now points at the squares, and tries to find funny shapes. Clever girl. I started making this quilt months ago (okay, actually maybe a year ago. Or...
This is Bert. His name comes from his pattern, another amigurumi animal by Sharonlee Holder. I saw him made up in Thimbles, a yarn shop in Durbanville, Cape Town, while on holiday there. Such a lovely shop, so worth a visit if you're in the area. He's very sweet, and the proportions are all right. I made him using Vinni's Colours Serina, a...
My baba turned one last week. That's quite something. I can't believe how quickly the time has flown by, and how much life has changed (positively) since she arrived. I love that she is the happiest, most cheerful and enthusiastic little girl I've ever met. I love that she has so much personality, and that she just wants to share it with you...
Another day, another ta da! This is Duck, the Giraffe. Raveled here. I made him for Isla's birthday, so he shall now make his way into the Great First Birthday Stash of Gifts to be wrapped and stored away until Monday. Duck is a completely posable free-standing giraffe, with a jingly bell in his neck and a really cute twisty tail. His legs, attached...
Time has sped since we returned from our trip to South Africa. We've had visitors, we've all been sick with some 'flu or virus or another, and the days are rolling by into shorter and shorter burst of sunshine. Lots of scarves, slippers, pots of cosied-tea. For a time, we were all sick, and spent our nights huddled under a blanket on the...
Baby is messy. That's why I love that our high chair is plastic and wipe-able. The only downside? It's plain and boring in white, and must be freeeeezing cold to sit on when Messy Baby has lunch in only a nappy. This happens frequently. And so, I turned to pinterest and happened upon this pattern for the IKEA Antilop High Chair Cover. Hurray! Pretty successful,...
Another baby birthday, another dress ... but this time it was for the birthday girl, not the baba. I made the Granny Square Crochet Baby Dress (pattern here), which turned out rather nicely. The bodice is made up of crocheted granny squares and treble crochet rows, and the skirt is a cotton fabric attached to the hem of the crocheted bodice. I used...