
Happy Birthday to Me!

Monday, June 23, 2014
It was my birthday this weekend, on the summer solstice. I can't remember it ever being this hot. Or this summery. Or this lovely. Oh, and I was thoroughly spoilt. We were supposed to go up-country to visit family but alas plans had to change last minute and we ended up staying in summery London for the weekend Summery London. Have you ever heard...


Animal Alphabet

So Many Threads

Tuesday, June 03, 2014
This has been happening. I can't tell you how many times I've had to change the thread on my sewing machine. SO. MUCH. WORK! But, oh so worth it.  My dining room table has been turned into a quilting table. I've arranged the chairs around it so that they take most of the weight of the quilt as it turns every which way,...