
I'm back! And a birthday

Friday, June 28, 2013
We've moved, and the internet has finally been connected up. I'm back online! I have really only missed the internet because I work online... but it's nice to have that information-at-your-fingertips superpower on call again. And, because it was my birthday in all of this moving-and-internettlessness, I baked a few cakes. There was a chocolate coffee cake.  A carrot cake with cream cheese...



Oh, Look! &Stitches!

Monday, June 24, 2013
&Stitches is a fabulous quarterly e-zine and blog dedicated to the art of hand-sewing and hand-embroidering. Run by Carina and Nicole, two crafty bloggers extraordinaire, &Stitches is regularly updated with patterns, information and eye-candy related to stitchery inspiration and instructions. And look who was featured this weekend: Ta da! Look, my Spring Sampler embroidery! It is still available to download for free from...



And then, there was bread.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013
We've moved. We haven't unpacked, we haven't bought all of our furniture. But, we have bread. My sourdough starter was transported by hand in the move, and it made it safe and sound. The new house is a lot warmer, and it very quickly matured to just the right amount of sour, ready for baking. I couldn't ignore it. Unpacking could (and can)...


fruit cake

Irish Tea Cake

Wednesday, June 12, 2013
I made two small Irish Tea Cakes last weekend, and they're still as good as new. This cake is amazingly moist, and is perfect for tea time (or late breakfasts!). I'm not the biggest fan of raisins, but soaking them in tea overnight really does them the world of good. I took the recipe from Granny's cookbook; she, in turn, got it from...



Sourdough Starter: 96 hours

Tuesday, June 11, 2013
I have been thinking about sourdough for an awfully long time. I get cravings for it on a Saturday morning, and then quickly regret not having any sourdough yeast around to quickly whip up a delicious floury loaf for breakfast. I occasionally treat myself to a loaf of sourdough, but I know better. I should be making it myself. But of course, to have...



Packing and Procrastinating

Sunday, June 09, 2013
It's official, we signed the contract. We move into our new rental flat in T-minus 6 days. We've packed the most important things: books (all of the boxes above), baking equipment, and the tea set. Who needs clothes, crockery, and other day-to-day household goods? Bah. Packing is dreary work. Making home-made ice cream from an easy peasy no-churn recipe is an infinitely better use...



A little bit of sunshine

Wednesday, June 05, 2013
We've just returned from a little camping trip in the lovely Lake District. It was raining and pouring, as it does in the Lake District (so we hear) so we went on a driving tour of the lakes and museums, but it soon cleared up. And when it did clear up, it was rather lovely. We walked. We hiked. We ate sandwiches. It's...