
Wednesday WIP: Gingerbread, Cupcakes and Christmas Makes

Wednesday, November 28, 2012
First, a confession: I haven't stitched a single stitch on any of my "ongoing" long-term works in progress. But, I have been busy. You see, there are two Christmas markets just around the corner, and a whole heap of Christmas Presents that need to be made. Yes, still. This is my sewing table at the moment. It all looks a bit chaotic, but...


bethnal green

Time off, and Raiding the Larder

Monday, November 26, 2012
Sometimes, it makes the world of difference to just take time off. It doesn't have to be a lot of time. It can simply an hour to yourself, in a quiet little spot with breakfast. The EEWI coffee mornings are my favourite time of the month. I always arrive at least half an hour too early, and I get to sit down with...


cross stitch

WIP Wednesday: Moroccan Cushion

Wednesday, November 21, 2012
I've been doing a lot of Christmas Crafting (pictures to follow) - and I don't know how, but I also managed to find time to stitch up my Moroccan Cross-Stitch Cushion. It's not quite done. In fact, this is the second time I have stitched it up this week. I wasn't paying a lot of attention the first time around. I sewed up...



Getting into the Knitty Gritty

Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Tonight, Aneeta Patel of Knitty Gritty fame (she wrote the book) is coming to talk to the East End WI ladies. So, in the spirit of things, I'm going to be taking along my current knitting project so I can also get into the knitty gritty of things. I know, it's likely to be a day full of puns. This is going to...



We'll always have Paris

Friday, November 16, 2012
Things have been quiet here at Bakercourt, but with good reason: we were in Paris. Paris! Our long-awaited first trip was fabulous. Even though it was cold. Even though I lost my passport just before we left (and found it again down the side of my desk). Even though we had to catch a night bus at 3am to get to the train...



Christmas Gift Crafting: Stocking Fillers

Friday, November 09, 2012
I don't celebrate Christmas, but I do love this time of year. Everybody gets festive, the twinkling Christmas lights come out and the snow starts to fall (unless you're in South Africa, where Christmases are spent around the swimming pool). It's also a good opportunity to buy things that you've spent the year saving up for. We don't buy "big things" very often...



Ship shape: reversible shoulder bag

Thursday, November 08, 2012
A few months ago I spied this cotton fabric in IKEA. I picked it up, loved it, and thought that I didn't need it just yet. It is 100% cotton, but has a lovely linen weave look to it. Also, there are sketched ink ships. Everything is better with ships. If there's anything I've learnt about shopping for fabric, it's this: if you...