We took advantage of the lovely weather and the long weekend to have a 'family day' out at Colchester Zoo. It's about an hour-and-a-half away (driving), but it made for a lovely day out for a very good cause. On the way up the to zoo we passed through the suburbs and towns in London and made our way Essex-wards past the most...
Sometimes the idea of getting married is very, very scary. And sometimes, Graeme knows me so well that he brings home something utterly delightful that renews my faith in vow-taking. This is no exception: a clipping out of the 'Waitrose Weekend' newspaper from the weekend of 14 April, 2011. In the name of all that is good and baked: a doughnut hat! I'm...
In which I knit, and the lovely Mrs Agnew is the unsuspecting recipient of a gift
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 I've recently joined Ravelry and I've been completely caught up in their beautiful patterns and projects. If you haven't yet, and you're no stranger to knittery goodness, you really sign up and start contributing! Anyway, the beautiful February Lady Sweater caught my eye and with reckless abandon I thought, 'hey, why not? If I can knit an Owl Sweater, I can knit lace'....
I've been craving Coffee and Walnut cake ever since reading Andrea's blog post and seeing her pictures here. Yes, you can get one from Tesco for about £1.00, but there's something so mass produced about the generic loaf with minuscule smatterings of espresso icing - and something so decadent about being in control of the amount of butter or icing sugar that goes into your very...
London is full of amazing food markets and occasional festivals celebrating everything from Italian culture to Real Food. So it was that we found ourselves at South Bank wandering around the familiar contours of the outdoor market there, which, this time, was inhabited by stalls under the 'Real Food' banner. It was a smallish market but there were some really nice stalls. They...
I finally got together the courage to knit Kate Davies's O w l s Sweater. The most ambitious thing I've ever knitted was a simple beanie in-the-round in garter stitch. It doesn't get easier than that. Now crochet: that's something I can do. I can crochet fabulous flowers, granny square blankets, scarves, hats, gloves - well, just about anything. That's because yarn +...