I'm getting snap-happy... This is the building with scrolling stock figures (tickers, G says) - and also where the local pub is! Meh, feel ill. Now I need to mission home. Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.0 ...
If you look oh-so closely you can see a galleon in the middle of the dock (and in the middle of London)! Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.0 ...
Our Lakeland order arrived today in a big box! It's a good thing I had them delivered to my work address; there was no way this was going to fit through the letter box... Here are a few things we got. Robyn, your flower-making plungers: They're quite sweet, and I think that they're defnitely going to be put to good use! Ma, your...
In response to a question posed earlier (when muttering about the golf course). Thanks Chris! ...
We went out yesterday on a mission to catch up on things that needed doing before going on holiday - - one week, three days, and counting! So, first of all: data recovery was successful! I have all of my documents and images back! Hurrah! The hard drive is still not working so I may have to wait until I'm home before I...
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.9 ...
It's just one of those things you see in the Metro that you have to cut out, keep and scan for later. They had a whole week of these, apparently, but I only caught the last two. Such funny adverts! Very successful brand-building for Old Spice - which I haven't heard of since I was very, very little and my dad used to...
Because it's humorous, and also on the walk home when I was snapping test photos for the blog-roid. hi-hum.Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.9 Because it's humorous, and also on the walk home when I was snapping test photos for the blog-roid. hi-hum.Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.9 ...
This is Canary Wharf, on the walk home from work!Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.9 This is Canary Wharf, on the walk home from work!Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.9 ...
Android apps had this funny little "bloggerdroid" so we had to try it out... does it work? Wooooo. uploading photo to test.Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.9 Android apps had this funny little "bloggerdroid" so we had to try it out... does it work? Wooooo. uploading photo to test.Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.9 ...
Yesterday was a bit of a disaster. In fact, this past week was a bit of a disaster. I worked until 9pm every night (except Friday, when I had an "early night" at 7pm), but that really started to eat away at my energy and enthusiasm because I started work every day at 8am and didn't get to take any breaks at all...
Last weekend at the cupcake class, the Lovely Lisa introduced me to the concept of "cupcake pops". A little research led me to USA's Bakerella who has some fabulous cupcake pops and cake balls on her website, featured in her soon-to-be-released book. Long story short, I finally found a recipe and had a go myself. The results were a bit messy! I had to...